Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build program, underwritten by Lowe’s, recruits, educates and inspires women to build simple, decent and affordable houses in their communities. As a part of National Women Build week Bayou Area Habitat will hold Women Build days May 10-12. To sign up contact Aimee Bourgeois at 985-447-6999.
This new site was created to better organize the information, allow the departments to post news items or announcements, and streamline things like the phone directory.
6th Floor Council Conference Room, Government Tower Building, 8026 Main Street, Houma, LA 70360
Chris Pulaski
Terrebonne Parish Tree Board
Terrebonne Parish Tree Board
"Planting Trees for Tomorrow, Preserving Trees for Today"
May 2012
I. Call meeting to order – Teri Ferguson
II. Invocation
III. Approval of minutes from April 2012
IV. Budget review
V. Old Business
A. Notable Trees Booklet – Update from Chris Pulaski
B. Festivals
Downtown on the Bayou – Sept 29-30
Voice of the Wetlands – Oct 12-14
C. Pruning of trees on South Hollywood Road
VI. New Business
A. Discuss Grant Program – Update from Chris Pulaski
B. Discuss Ethics Training Classes – Update from Chris Pulaski
C. Pat Gordon – Discuss Tree Ordinance
D. Downtown Bayou Walk Landscape / City Court Planter
and Parking Lot on Park Ave based on Parish Plan
E. Open for New Input / Discussions
VII. Set June 2012 Meeting date and Adjourn
Join the WBA in their efforts to acknowledge and support volunteer organizations in the local community! The day will consist of a 'drop-off' for citizens to bring in much needed donation items to several organizations that continously make a difference in Terrebonne Parish.
Cash prizes will be given for all categories. They have added a children's category.
Proceeds benefit educational scholarships and Coastal Restoration.