Sec. 5-15. Rabies control; Failure to Vaccinate.
- No person shall own, keep, or harbor any dog, cat or ferret three (3) months and older within Terrebonne Parish without it being vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian. Every owner of a dog, cat, and ferret shall cause said animal to be vaccinated initially with a series of two vaccinations, the first to be administered at three (3) months of age and the second to be administered one year after the initial vaccination. Subsequent booster vaccines shall be administered one year after the administration of the last vaccine administered, except in cases of a medical condition that would preclude proper vaccination or endanger the health of the dog, cat, or ferret. Exceptions shall only be given for dogs, cats, and ferrets after a letter signed by a licensed veterinarian requesting an exception, whether temporarily or indefinitely, has been received by the Animal Shelter.
- Whoever violates Subsection (a) of this Section shall be guilty of failure to vaccinate and shall be fined $50.00 for each offense. After the dog, cat or ferret reaches three (3) months of age, each day the animal remains unvaccinated shall constitute a separate offense.
- Any case of an animal biting a human being shall be reported to the Animal Control Authority. Any case of an animal infected with rabies shall be reported to the Animal Control Authority. Any case of an animal suspected of being infected with rabies shall be reported to the Animal Control Authority. It shall be the responsibility of the owner and/or attendant of the animal and/or the person bitten to report such facts to the Animal Control Authority.
- Cases of rabies exposure to humans and animals, and cases of animals suspected of being infected with rabies shall be dealt with as required by the Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 51, Part III, Chapter 1, as may be amended.
Any Animal Control Officer is hereby empowered to seize, euthanize, transport, and/or confine any animal that bites a human being, any animal infected with rabies, or any animal suspected of being infected with rabies pursuant to the Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 51, Part III, Chapter 1, as may be amended, and more specifically as follows:
- Any animal whose owner does not have proof of the animal's current rabies vaccination from a licensed veterinarian, shall be confined for a period of not less than 10 days at the Animal Shelter, or, at the owner's option and expense, in a local veterinary hospital of his choice.
- In the case of animals whose ownership is not known, confinement shall be at the Animal Shelter.
- Any domestic animal whose owner presents proof of a current rabies vaccination from a licensed veterinarian may, at the Animal Control Manager's discretion, be allowed to confine the said domestic animal in the owner's home.
- When any animal is confined at the Animal Shelter pursuant to this Section, the confined animal shall not be released from confinement except by written permission of the Animal Control Manager.
- In cases where an animal capable of carrying rabies scratches a person causing the skin to be broken, the Animal Control Manager may cause the animal to be confined in the same manner stated above.
- When any animal is confined at the Animal Shelter pursuant to this Section, the owner may redeem the animal after the prescribed confinement period upon the determination by the Animal Control Manager, or his designee in his absence,that the animal does not exhibit any signs of being infected with rabies andupon the owner's payment of applicable fees and fines.
- An owner who opts to not redeem his animal after the appropriate rabies confinement period shall pay the required boarding fee upon intake or impoundment of said animal.
- No person shall kill, or cause to be killed, any rabid animal, any animal suspected of having been exposed to rabies, or any animal that has bitten a person within the prior ten (10) day period, except as provided in this Section. No person shall remove such animal from the parish.
- The carcass of any dead animal which has bitten a person and/or is suspected ofbeing infected with rabies shall upon demand be surrendered to the Animal Control Authority.
- An exotic or wild animal capable of carrying rabies, that has bitten a human or is suspected of being exposed to rabies, shall be immediately euthanized and the head sent off to the appropriate health department for pathological examination. The same procedure applies to an exotic or wild animal found dead that has bitten a human or is suspected of being exposed to rabies.
- All dogs which are property of a law enforcement agency are exempt from the confinement requirements of this Section upon producing proof of a current rabies vaccination. Vaccination records of all law enforcement dogs shall be retained by the agency to which the dog belongs and shall be available for inspection upon request following a reported bite/scratch.
- It shall be the duty of every physician or practitioner to report to the Animal Control Authority the names and contact information of persons treated for bites inflicted by animals capable of carrying rabies, together with such other information as will be helpful in rabies control.
- It shall be the duty of every licensed veterinarian to report to the Animal Control Authority any domestic animal capable of carrying rabies. It shall also be the duty of every licensed veterinarian to cooperate fully with the Animal Control Authority in its administration of duties and responsibilities under the provisions of this Chapter, including providing timely information relative to the ownership and rabies inoculation status of any animal under his care.
(City Code 1965, § 6-24; Parish Code 1979, § 5-11, § 5-12, § 5-13)
State law references:
Killing of dangerous or vicious dog, R.S. 3:2773; rabies control, R.S.40:4(A)(2), 40:1276 et seq., Reports prepared by physicians in public hospitals, application of public records laws, R.S. 44:7, 44:36, 44:39, State sanitary code to include the authority of parishes and municipalities to enact ordinances for the control of rabies, R.S. 40:1277.