Friday December 16, 2016 09:56 am - 4558 Views - Posted By Terrebonne Parish Tree Board
On Saturday January 28, 2017 to celebrate Arbor Day, the Terrebonne Parish Tree Board will host the annual Tree Giveaway.
Apache Corporation has once again graciously donated 1,000 trees to distribute to Terrebonne Parish residents. "Now in its 11th year, our tree program has been a great way for the company to make a lasting contribution," said Apache Outreach Manager, Wendy Craven. These trees will include 200- 3-gallon container saplings and 800 seedlings of Louisiana’s native trees. Assisting the Tree Board in the distribution of the trees will be volunteers from the La Terre Master Gardeners who will also provide helpful hints on the care, growing and proper instruction of planting the trees. There is a limit of two container saplings per household to be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. Residents may have an unlimited number of seedlings until all are distributed.
Apache Corporation is an oil and gas exploration and production company with operations in the United States, Canada, Egypt, and the United Kingdom. A cornerstone of Apache's community outreach and giving efforts, the Apache Tree Grant program has donated more than 4 million trees to nonprofits across 17 states since its launch in 2005. In Terrebonne Parish, Apache has donated over 12,000 trees. For more information about the Apache Tree Grant Program, please visit
The Tree Board’s Mission: “Planting Trees for Tomorrow, Preserving Trees for Today. This is an exciting event for the Tree Board, as the Board can emphasize for the benefit of the community an understanding of the value of trees as an important economic and environmental asset as well as a trees’ aesthetic value,” Tree Board Chair Laura Browning said. “Trees naturally enhance the air quality, reducing noises as well as aids in the improvement of water quality. They help prevent flooding and can aid the community in flood control, if planted strategically,” she added.
As a recognized Tree City USA community, the Tree Board partners annually near Arbor Day with various companies and organizations to sponsor the Tree Giveaway to help encourage the planting for trees on privately owned properties.
EVENT:TreeBoardTreeGiveawayto honor Arbor Day
WHERE:TerrebonneParishLibrary parking lot at 151 Library Drive
TIME: 9am until all trees are gone
PSA contact:
Chris Pulaski- 985-873-6569
Laura Browning, Chair 985-804-3583 Sandy Wright Ostheimer, Vice Chair