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Coastal Restoration and Preservation

Director Mart Black, FAICP


Coastal Zone Management

Local Coastal Program

The 1978 Louisiana State and Local Coastal Resources Management Act, La. RS. 49:214.21 et seq, authorized the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Coastal Management Program and the development, at the parish level, of local coastal management programs (LCPs). Once an LCP has received federal and state approval, the parish becomes the permitting authority for coastal uses of local concern defined as "those uses which directly and significantly affect coastal waters and are in need of coastal management but are not uses of state concern and which should be regulated primarily at the local level if the local government has an approved program" (RS. 49:214.25.A.2). To date, ten coastal parishes have approved active LCPs:

  • Calcasieu
  • Cameron
  • Lafourche
  • Jefferson
  • Orleans
  • Plaquemines
  • St. Bernard
  • St. James
  • St. Tammany
  • Terrebonne

Two more are in development: St. Charles and St. John the Baptist.

Advisory Committee

In 1997, the Terrebonne Parish Council created a Coastal Zone Management & Restoration Advisory Committee to investigate the advantages of creating a Terrebonne Parish Local Coastal Zone Management Program. The Coastal Zone Management & Restoration Advisory Committee organized into a formal working body with elected officers, scheduled meetings, and a vision of preparing a Local Coastal Zone Management Program for Terrebonne Parish that would be a recognized and sanctioned body. The program has been charged with the following purposes:

  • Recognize the value in natural coastal ecosystems.
    • Protect, preserve, restore and enhance the coastal zone as a natural storm barrier, flood control system, and water filtration system.
    • Protect, preserve, restore and enhance the coastal zone as a habitat for wildlife, an aquatic resource, an aesthetic resource, a parish, state and national resource, and a historic cultural resource.
    • Protect, preserve, restore and enhance the coastal zone as a legacy to future generations.
  • Recognize the value in coastal-dependent commercial and residential activity.
    • Promote coordinated development within the coastal zone.
    • Promote conflict resolution arising from multiple, competing uses.
    • Promote recreational uses (respect private property) and monitor public access within the coastal zone.
  • Balance these values in Terrebonne Parish to allow current and future residents the opportunity to enjoy the multiple benefits and cultural values associated with a healthy coastal zone.

  • Foster the public safety, health and welfare of Terrebonne Parish residents.
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