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Animal Shelter

Shelter Manager Valerie Robinson


Population Control (Spay/Neuter)

Operation: Reduce Population is our low cost spay/neuter program for pets in our community. This low cost program is designed to reduce the number of unwanted animals in our community. Spaying/neutering your animal is an EXTREMELY important part of its care. By doing so, your animal will typically want to stay home more, be less aggressive, and not contribute to the overpopulation problem that exists in Terrebonne Parish and so many other places. The staff of TPAS understands that the COST of the spay/neuter surgery is the PRIMARY reason that owners give for not spaying/neutering their pets. Now, there is an AFFORDABLE option for those who are interested.

Spay/Neuter Prices

Terrebonne Parish Residents

** Proof of Terrebonne Parish residency is required **
Type Owned Cats Community Cats
(Stray, Feral, etc.)
(under 90 lbs)
(90 lbs & over)
Regular Price $10.00 **FREE $50.00 $100.00

Out of Parish Residents

Type Owned Cats Community Cats
(Stray, Feral, etc.)
(under 90 lbs)
(90 lbs & over)
Regular Price $100.00 $45.00 $150.00 $200.00

How do I sign up to get my animal spayed/neutered?

Bring money order for the amount listed in the chart above to the address listed below.

Terrebonne Parish Animal Shelter
100 Government St.
Gray, LA 70359

Each animal must have individual money orders and appointments CANNOT be made without full payment.
Appointment dates are given after full payment is received and forms completed at Animal Shelter.

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