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Network Administrator Brian Rodrigue


Talkin' Terrebonne

Talkin’ Terrebonne is a locally run parish government TV show created to inform, enlighten, and educate residents of all the great things offered through various departments of Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government.

Our segments feature various departments of TPCG focusing on departmental impact within the Parish, informing and educating residents about programs and services available through these departments as well as other areas of general interest to the community.

The focus of our show is to create a better understanding of Terrebonne Parish and promote awareness among residents.

Upcoming Show Times

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Video Listing

Name View Options
Talkin' Terrebonne- Terrebonne Parish Animal Shelter 12/22/2016 21:59
Description:  On the 7th episode of Talkin' Terrebonne with visit the New Terrebonne Parish Animal Shelter. We talk to Shelter Manager, Valerie Robinson about the New Animal Shelter located in Gray Louisiana and all of the services offered by the Terrebonne Parish Animal Shelter.
Talkin' Terrebonne - Rougarou/Christmas Festivals 10/15/2016 29:37
Description:  On this sixth episode of Talkin' Terrebonne, we talk to Anne Picou and Christopher Pulaski about the Main Street Program, the Christmas Parade/Festival, and improvements to the Downtown Area. We also talk to Jonathan Foret about the award winning Rougarou Fest.
Talkin' Terrebonne - Human Service/Section 8 09/12/2016 29:06
Description:  On this Episode of Talkin' Terrebonne, we talk to Melanie VanBuren with Human Services about the Rental and Utility Assistance Programs offered to residents by the Human Services Divison. We also talk to Antoine Foret and Charile Howard with Section 8 about the Housing Choice Program.
Interview with Parish President, Gordon Dove 08/30/2016 42:58
Description:  On this special edition of Talkin' Terrebonne we talk with your Parish President, Gordon Dove.
Talkin' Terrebonne - Terrebonne Recreation 08/27/2016 15:19
Description:  On the fourth episode of Talkin' Terrebonne, we talk with TPCG Director of Recreation, Sterling Washington about Terrebone Recreation and the programs offered to residents.
Talkin' Terrebonne - Hurricane Prep 08/01/2016 23:54
Description:  On this third episode of Talkin' Terrebonne, We talk to Terrebonne Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Direcor Earl Eues and Hurricane Prep and what you should be doing now to prepare.
Talkin' Terrebonne - Kids Day 2016 07/09/2016 10:02
Description:  On this second episode of Talkin' Terrebonne, we will talk with Scott Belanger with the Houma-Terrebonne Civc Center about Kids Day 2016 being held on July 16th, 2016.
Talkin' Terrebonne - Head Start 06/30/2016 18:59
Description:  In our first episode of Talkin Terrebonne, we talked our Head Start Administrator, Diane Powell.

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