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Update on the Hazard Mitigation Plan Development

Monday August 04, 2014 11:07 am

The Steering Committee and interested members of the public have now met twice to discuss the revisions needed to the existing Hazard Mitigation Plan last updated in 2009 and approved by FEMA in 2010. To review the meeting agendas, presentations and notes, visit the Department of Planning and Zoning Recovery Assistance and Mitigation Planning Division website section specific to the plan development.

The site has the agendas, meeting notes, and presentations from each meeting. The last meeting included the assessment of the risk, the problem, draft goals of the process and plan, and a preliminary review of possible future risk reduction activities. Specifically, the meeting covered a review of past accomplishments, historical damages data and future risk projections, and invited discussion on new projects proposed to reduce risk in the future. The Steering Committee is seeking public information regarding the accuracy of the maps that show past damages, critical facilities, etc. and projects that would reduce risk in the Parish. Risk reduction equals savings on recovery, mitigation, insurance, and displacement from homes and jobs. 

The Committee is seeking input as well on what flood-related data we do NOT have but the community feels is necessary to properly assess risk throughout the Parish. One suggestion received is data on the elevation of homes and roads in the forced drainage areas outside the special flood hazard area.
If you have a suggestions or concerns, please consider attending or contact Jennifer Gerbasi @ 985-873-6565 / or the Project Manager, Nicole Cutforth at 858-3983.

The next meeting is August 7, 2014 from 10-12 at the Bayou Terrebonne Waterlife Museum located at 7910 Park Ave.

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