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Freeboard Found Cost Effective in NFIP Benefit Analysis

Friday September 13, 2013 09:39 am

Due to changes in the federal flood insurance program, these are times of uncertainty for people living near any waterbody. Prior to when these manmade threats came to be, engineers and builders were investigating the cost effectiveness of various building methods including freeboard. When a structure is built 1-3 feet above the known flood risk (base flood elevation) it is called freeboard. Individuals can benefit from significant insurance savings (up to 62%) from using freeboard, and the community received Community Rating System points for requiring it in the ordinance possibly receiving greater discounts on flood insurance premiums community-wide. But is it cost effective? Read the 2008 Supplement for the Evaluation of the National Flood Insurance Program's Building Standards to see why they believe it is cost effective. It can be cost effective and may provide a buffer against future changes to the flood insurance regulations.

Related Information

Freeboard Cost Benefit Analysis