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Trouble with a Flood Insurance Claim?

Monday July 15, 2019 09:56 am

Trouble with a Flood Insurance Claim?

Getting the run around for an ICC Claim?

Reach Out to Flood Insurance Advocate’s Office for Help

Having trouble getting an answer on a flood insurance claim?  Uncertain if you can lift a house based on delays in a determination about ICC (Increased Cost of Compliance) benefits?  There is a federal office that might be able to move this process along.

The Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate (OFIA) advocates for the fair treatment of policyholders and property owners by providing education and guidance on all aspects of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), identifying trends affecting the public, and making recommendations for program improvements to FEMA leadership.  This is not the first office to contact if you are having problems with a claim, but if your insurance agent, the NFIP hotline and FloodSmart website, the Region, and parish officials can’t help you, the Advocate may be able to assist.

Go to the webpage at and fill out the form as requested.  This will start a conversation, so don’t be stressed if you can’t submit all the information you would care to within this form.

It is the intent of the Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate (OFIA) to respond to your inquiries within two (2) business days.  Replies from the OFIA will be addressed as: noreply On Behalf Of "Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate".  If you do not find a reply from the OFIA in your inbox within two (2) business days, please check your spam or junk folders for a reply and respond accordingly.

Attachments cannot be transmitted through this form, but can be sent at a later date when the office responds.  If necessary, attachments may be provided with future communication.

A list of frequently asked questions and other sources of assistance is attached or can be found at

 If you need more information, please contact your flood insurance agent.

Related Information

Fact Sheet Flood Insurance Advocate