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TPCG News Room

Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government


Warning - Email Scam Targeting Parish Employees and Residents

Friday June 11, 2021 11:21 am - 2611 Views - Posted By Administration

In recent years, government employees have been the target of an email scam. This scam involves sending employees emails that appear to come from Parish President Gordon Dove or other parish officials requesting assistance. Typically, once the recipient responds to the email, the scammer will request for the individual to send gift cards to a mailing address. More recently, incidences have been noted of these scam emails targeting Terrebonne Parish residents in addition to government employees.

If you receive a suspicious email, there are many warning signs to look out for including poor spelling and grammar, requests for your personal information, and requests for you to provide monetary assistance. The most obvious red flag is the sender’s email address. All official emails from Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government will come from a domain. As an example, an email from Parish President Gordon Dove would come from

Always check the sender’s email address to make sure it is legitimate before going forward with any requests for assistance via email.  

If you are concerned and wish to verify the legitimacy of an email that appears to be sent by TPCG, call 985-873-6401.


Hours of Operation

  • Monday thru Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Mailing Address

  • P. O. Box 2768
  • Houma, LA 70361
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