Entry Fee $50. First through fourth place prize money awarded. Live auction starts at 3:00 p.m., Music featuring Brad Richard from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Foret Tradition from 6:00 p.m. till 10:00 p.m. Food, fun & raffles, door prizes all day-Free chili. $5.00 Entry fee to events.
Registration begins at 11am, parade starts at 12pm.This is a mini Mardi Gras parade for the children in our community. They dress in costumes and make their own home made wagon floats. They parade around the parking lot to Mardi Gras music and throw beads to the adults that are there to watch. They have their own royalty. A Queen and King is crowned to rule over the ride.
Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center, 346 Civic Center Blvd.
Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
Awards Banquet and Installation of 2010 Officers of the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce. $65.00 per ticket.Corporate tables or sponsorships available.
Sunday afternoon Mardi Gras Parade that begins on Bayou Gardens Blvd. to Barrow Street (Westside Route). Features 16 double-decker floats and has 365 members.
An annual Kindergarten parade sponsored by St. Bernadette Catholic School, 309 Funderburk Avenue. Special feataures are VCHS band, Houma Jr. High School band, Saints mascot, etc.
Monday night Mardi Gras Parade that begins on Bayou Gardens Blvd to Barrow Street (Westside Route). This is an all womens group that features 22 floats (21 double decker floats) with over 600 riders.
Mardi Gras Parade on Tuesday using the traditional Westside Route. Featuring floats with riders throwing specialty beads, doubloons, cups and novelties. Also features local bands and marching units.