The Housing & Human Services Department was created in an effort to consolidate all Federal and State funded programs and services that address the needs of low-income families that reside in Terrebonne Parish.
Low-income families in need may apply for all eligible services at one location. The Housing & Human Services Department also coordinates with many local nonprofit agencies to leverage resources and to provide assistance to families in need through referrals.
The Housing & Human Services Department is divided into four major areas of operation (divisions)
The primary goal of the Office of Community Development (OCD) is to improve the quality of life for the Parish citizens. It consists of three programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; the HOME Investment Partnerships Program; and the Emergency Shelter Grant Program.
Community Services provides services designed to help eliminate poverty and promote self-sufficiency in Terrebonne Parish. These services include Low Income Home Energy Assistance Payments, Crisis Intervention, distribution of Commodities, and Weatherization assistance to low income residents.
The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government's Head Start Program provides comprehensive services for low-income children and families. These services include high quality early childhood education, nutrition, health, mental health, and social services along with a strong parent involvement component.
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program provides rental assistance payments directly to a participating landlord. These payments are provided under a contract executed between the Public Housing Agency (Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government) and the landlord on behalf of an eligible participant.